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For The Meantime: Fiesta en Casa


How an L.A. agency pivoted while staying true to their mission

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Al Tun Tun is a collaborative creative community centered around amplifying the work of Latin Americans.
The promotional materials used to roll out their pivot utilized the work of Hispanic creatives.
They didn’t need to sacrifice any more time, money or resources than normal to adapt and continue to elevate their community.

One of the good things that have come out of this volatile year is all the ingenious things creatives have done in the face of a pandemic. From partnerships to virtual events, this new normal forces creatives to develop innovative ways to stay afloat. Al Tun Tun, a marketing and event agency out of Los Angeles, is no exception.

Al Tun Tun works to amplify the Latin American community through collaboration with Hispanic artists and influencers. Through their events held at renowned venues in Los Angeles, New York and Miami, they provide an ecosystem of content creation for artists and influencers to work together–whether that be promotional materials, music, social media, etc. Providing a collaborative environment, Al Tun Tun presents endless creative freelancing and networking opportunities for Latinx people.

You would think that an event-focused community like Al Tun Tun would slow to a halt with a global pandemic and regulations that restrict events due to distancing regulations. It would be understandable for them to focus on trying to survive and put helping their greater community prosper on the back burner for a bit. However, with the normalization of virtual events, they managed to pivot their business operations while still amplifying and including the community they’ve always served.

They created a collaborative social media campaign titled Perreo En Casa by partnering with 1800 Tequila to send their followers personal party kits. Included in the kit were decorations, an Al Tun Tun tote bag, a 350 mL bottle of 1800 Cristalino, as well as cocktail oriented party favors. This generates a flood of content, engagement and reach for Al Tun Tun all from their followers and community members.

The opportunity cost of coming to the aid of the many crises that have made this year such a whirlwind is a risky decision for any business owner or professional to make. A lot of us want to help where we can, but the pivoting of business operations and keeping our doors open and our communities operating can easily buy up all the real estate in our minds. For a lot of businesses, doing something to help others means taking money, time and resources away from their own and sometimes you don’t know if you’re spreading your operations too thin until it’s too late.

Leave it to a creative community like Al Tun Tun to find a deviceful way of continuing their operations when everyone is trying to grab onto some sense of normalcy.

Al Tun Tun Delivers Personal Party Kits to Its Followers 900x425